Summer 2003 I spent in USA as a Work and Travel participant and the summer wasn´t easy for me. My English was horrible and I wasn´t lucky because I didn´t earn a lot of money. I was again happy in April 2004 when I received full refund of my taxes. The money was for me a reason to return back to USA and this summer worked for me well! I worked as an ocean patrol, loved my job, improved language skills and my employer was great! I returned back in 2005 and 2006. To receive tax refund I always used PROTAX REFUND and I was every time satisfied.
I would like to say big THANK YOU for your help with my tax refund from the USA! I have received the check with 100 % amount of money in the beginning of summer. You did a great job and I will recommend your services to all my friends who also need a help. Thank you, Radka.
I had two options where to go for summer and United States of America was number 2. But my number 1 plan failed and I was forced to go to USA. I don´t regret the choice I made cause the 2006 summer spent on Long Island, NY still brings just good memories. At the time I received all may taxes back owner of company offered me better paid job if I return back in 2007. Again great summer, again tax refund, again through PROTAX REFUND
I received first information about tax refund from my travel agency, so I knew I could apply for tax refund after my arrival back home form USA. Next year, in February, I received W-2 form mailed by my employer and I could finally apply. Refund check arrived at the end of April and I received same amount as guaranteed by PROTAX REFUND
When I returned from USA I started searching for some information about tax return because I heard that I have to do it from my agency and also from my friends. I didnt have a clue where and how to apply. In my search I came accross PROTAX REFUND. They helped me out with all agenda. I received all my taxes back, didnt even expect to receive that much. I even received the check along with with an apology letter for delayed delivery. Year 2006 – my second time in USA – was even more faster and without any problem. I already registered for 2007. However the sad thing is that this was the last time in USA for me, since Im about to finish my studies. I had a great time every year in USA. I must compliment PROTAX REFUND for their personal approach. Keep up the good work. I will always recommend your company.
I had a great summer 2006 in USA, great friends and incredible trip across California. In winter I knew for sure that Im coming back. I didnt receive check with tax refund, all my friends did. I know PROTAX REFUND had to contact tax officials in USA. The found out that they lost my application. Eventually I did receive the check. My parents sent it to my address in USA during the summer 2007. I appreciate the cooperation with these guys and taking care of my problem. I will definatelly use the services of PROTAX REFUND again. Thanks.
After my return back home from USA I was contacted by PROTAX REFUND to apply for tax refund. I didn´t know I could apply for tax refund. This agency helped me with all paperwork required to apply. When I received my taxes back I couldn´t believe that. PROTAX REFUND did wonderful work for me! I am now about to apply for tax refund again because I spent summer 2007 in USA working as a lifeguard and I loved it. I love PROTAX REFUND too!
PROTAX REFUND sent me an email about my tax refund. I applied in March 2007 and received all taxes as guaranteed. The great thing about PROTAX REFUND is that you are guaranteed certain refund and if you receive less they will refund you all your money back! I was concerned about using PROTAX REFUND as it doesn´t have any office opened in Hungary but I could easily email or mail all documents. Now I am highly satisfied with all services provided and I will my friends to register with PROTAX REFUND!
I participated on the WnT USA program first time in 2004. I worked as a lifeguard and the summer was quite OK. Not much money – I didnt have luck with picking the employer. PROTAX REFUND helped me out with tax refund after returning back home. I received the federal tax but the check with state tax got stuck somewhere on the way. It took them a while to resend it, apparently they messed up my address so the check was not delivered. PROTAX REFUND contacted the IRS and the second attempt was successful. Year 2006 was on the other hand completelly smooth – flawless process. Thanks. Im in the proccess of applying for 2007 tax return. Hope they got my address right. I appreciate your effort and cooperation.
My tax refund was quite allright. I applied for it in January, however received the check in June when I was already in USA again on Work and Travel program. On the other hand I received 100% so I can say that Im fully satisfied and will apply for my 2007 taxes again through ProTax Refund. Zorka